Hello crafters and really bored house-bound peoples, today is about trends…one of the main trends is that of going back to the things our predecessors did-cooking, sewing, reading, playing games, etc. 

Keeping minds and hands occupied are tantamount to keeping your sanity in today’s COVID-induced hibernation. 

On with trends…Heading the list is (of all things) embroidery of all kinds/cross stitching, along these same lines is the renewed craft of making rugs out of old clothing/sheets. In settlements and colonial days children were the ones making “toothbrush” rugs. 

Resin casting is fun if a bit messy, and projects using this product are amazing. 

Polymer clay is on the upswing as many find working with this type of clay is easy, inexpensive, and applicable for many types of projects. Pottery is also finding a new audience but can be time consuming and somewhat pricey with all the tools, glazes and kiln time. 

Calligraphy is returning for the sheer elegance of expression on paper. It’s not just for writing a fancy letter! 

Tie-dyeing, ice dyeing and Shibori are fun and can give old clothing/fabrics new life. 

Candle making is essential as we all need back up for an electrical outage! 

90’s crochet with funky colors is now taking the market by storm. Frame weaving and macrame the same. If you’re lucky enough to have some old 70’s craft magazines then add the brightness if today’s colors and materials you’ve got plenty to work with. 

Anyway,  there  is plenty to keep us crafting if we wish to keep boredom away! Happy crafting. 

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Laura Smith