Every year I enjoy dressing up as Santa for children. I love to see their eyes get huge as they run to hug me. The smiles and the excitement of getting to sit on Santa’s knee and tell me what they want for Christmas is so much fun for everyone. But there was one Christmas in Springdale Arkansas, that I will never, ever forget.

I was playing Santa on the Christmas train one very cold morning in Springdale between my school bus routes. That day we had a Christmas party for about 12 special needs children from the school where I worked as a lunchroom monitor. Thestudents were beyond excited to board the train with Santa. I had never seen them so happy. We all settled in the dining car, and I had a handheld microphone. I sat down in my big chair and each student came over to tell me what they wanted for Christmas in the mic for all to hear.

The innocence of their requests was overwhelming. One asked for a doll for his sister. Another wanted me to bring his dad a job. Yet another just wanted a present to give Jesus. I will never forget the last child. She has Down syndrome and the most beautiful smile you can imagine. She came over and stood by me. She took the microphone from my hand. I suspected she was about to tell me a list a mile long of things she wanted for Christmas. Nope, not even close…..She began singing “Oh Holy Night” with the most beautiful angelic voice I have ever heard. Every note was right on, every crescendo was perfect! We were mesmerized. She knew “every single word” and we were all speechless. People were crying as we watched and listened tothis little girl in 4th grade sing. After she had sung ALL the verses, she handed me the mic and sat back down on the carpet. We all just witnessed what we saw as a Christmas miracle. Her focus was on the Christ child not herself. The room was silent, and the teachers looked at each other as if they had no idea where that came from. Afterward, they told me they had never heard her sing.

Yes, that was an extraordinary moment for me playing Santa. I will share something with you I have never shared. I often wonder if Jesus approves of me playing Santa for little children. Maybe He would prefer my focus for the children to be on Him, not a big man in a red suit. Afterall, it is His birthday. I sure hope he understands and that He is not disappointed with me. It does concern me quite a lot.

Merry Christmas everyone and may God bless you and keep you safe throughout this season when we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus.

Jim Everett


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James Everett
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