I have developed a bad habit of underestimating what God can do. It bothers me a lot too. He has shown me time and time again that He is a God of unlimited resources and blessings. I continue to place limits on what I believe will happen. I guess because I worry a lot and I don’t want to get my hopes up. Please pray for me to never limit what God can do.

When we were preparing to open Cornerstone Chapel, one of the team members said based on the Facebook responses we are going to need to have two services on day one. I said, “nobody starts a new church with two services on day one, let’s wait and see if the need is there.” On day one, April 14th, we had 51 people in the first service and another 101 in the second service along with 34 kids. Ok, yes I was wrong again to underestimate what God can do. Our small chapel can only seat 100 people uncomfortably, or 75 comfortably. Our children’s ministry grew again the second week and our church attendance was down by 4 people. We only have around 30 parking spaces but people are parking in the dirt and on the street and under trees on the grass.

What is wrong with me. I did this again on this past Wednesday night. We did not announce it on our first Sunday but we had a Wednesday nightservice  on the schedule that Michelle and I would lead as an “in church Life group.” Since it was the first Wednesday I figured maybe one or two people would show up. I did not even prepare a lesson as I figured I would ask the one or two folks what topics or bible book they would like to discuss going forward. Get this, we even arrived late thinking no one would come on the first night. We casually walked in and I began sweating. The chapel had about 30 people in it sitting very quietly with bibles and note pads and pens in their hands! I was panicking. I walked to the front and started apologizing for being late. I also admitted to the group that I had underestimated again what God can do.

I did not bring my bible either as I… well you know….. So I borrowed one from a young woman on the front pew. I read a few verses from Ephesians that I had read that morning that brought some questions up to my mind. We had a great discussion with Michelle helping me get through the hour. God showed up and gave me things to say and discuss and everyone was comfortable with the Life Group concept.

I don’t know what God will show me this Wednesday, but I have prepared a lesson already and I am going to be there 15 minutes before it starts! I am also bringing my bible!

God, I am so sorry for placing limits on your ability to respond to us. You have not only answered prayers for Cornerstone but blown our socks off with blessings. For me, I have got to understand that you can do anything you want to do. You are in control, and I am but clay in your hands. I am nothing without you. You can do all things. You are the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Please change my thinking and prepare the soil of my heart for rain. Your Harvest is coming. I wait now with open arms in anticipation of what you will do next. Again, I am so sorry. In Jesus name I pray, amen

Jim Everett

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James Everett
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