We moved to NE Arkansas in late July of 2020. Covid was spreading and things were getting scary. I was starting a job as a school bus driver here on August 15th. After two weeks here our son Jason committed suicide. We rushed to California to be with his wife and son. Upon arrival, Jayme, our daughter-in-law, told us she was having Jason cremated and his ashes spread in the ocean. She also advised us there would be no services. This was hard to handle and still is today. We were never able to have proper closure and it grieves me every time I think about it. However, I had to respect her wishes because she was his wife, and these were her decisions to make.


Life can be difficult with many mountaintop experiences and some deep valley experiences too. Time is a precious commodity we often take for granted. Busyness can cause us to miss special moments in our child’s life that should never be missed. School events are important to your child and should be a priority to you as parents to make every attempt possible to be there as much as you can. You will never get those moments back.


One of the memories I will never forget was on a Wednesday afternoon in Garden Grove, CA. Jason was 8 years old, and Mother’s Day was on Sunday. Jason suddenly asked me for $2.00. I asked him why he needed $2.00. He said his Elementary school was selling red roses on Friday for $2.00 so kids could give their moms a rose on Mother’s Day. I told him no, he could not have $2.00 but I would give him this $20. bill to buy his mom ‘ten red roses.” His face lit up so fast. I will never forget that look. About an hour after he gave his mom the roses on Mother’s Day, his mom hoped on her moped to run to the store for cigarettes. On her way back she was killed when she accelerated too fast on a turn and hit a telephone pole.


I wish I had the opportunity to hug my son one more time and hear his voice again. I miss him every day. Life is precious so please make the most of every moment with your kids. Time goes by so fast. Tell them you love them every chance you get. Hug them every chance you get, tomorrow is not guaranteed for them either. Kids grow up so fast so don’t miss opportunities. When they ask you to spend time with them, do it. Make lasting memories so you don’t have to live with regrets later in life.


I left my daughter Kelsey in California when I moved to Arkansas in 2000. She has never forgiven me for that move. Recently she gave birth to her first child, Olive, and has asked me to come to California and stay with them for two weeks! God is in the process of restoring the relationship I damaged so many years ago. We serve a big God who loves us.


The average dad in America today spends 8-10 minutes a day with their kids. 100 years ago, it was 54% of their day.


Jim Everett


Mark 10:13-16: “People were bringing little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.'”

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James Everett
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