Over the past few weeks, I have been able to successfully capture many images of new born fawns. Generally, their mother is always near, so I don’t get to spend very much time with them.
In one instance, I watched a doe jump a fence, stand in between her young and me and gentle scoot her baby to

safety. It was an amazing action to witness.
Photographing fawns is something I look forward to the most as the seasons change and they are usual predictable and on a schedule, leading up until the fall. At which point the mother will distance herself from her young, with hopes of getting bred again.
Like many mammals, in 10-12 weeks , the fawns will be weaned off of their mother’s milk and will be able to fend for themselves. From my experience, generally young with stay with Their mother through the first year of their life, then go to leaxd their own after that.

More images available at Martin Wildlife Photography’s Facebook page here.