Strong storms moved through the area the afternoon of June 25 causing power outages, downed trees and excessive hail damage to vehicles and homes.

The storms generated winds of over 75 miles per hours and moved quickly over North Central and Northeast Arkansas.

Property damage was reported in Mountain View, Sage, Sidney, Cave City and surrounding areas.

According to the National Weather Service, the storm system formed in eastern Oklahoma and moved into Searcy County early in the afternoon moving quickly over Stone, Izard and southern Sharp and Independence Counties before moving over Lawrence and Craighead Counties.

North Arkansas Electric reported outages in southern Izard and Stone Counties. Energy Arkansas reported outages In Stone, Izard, Sharp, Independence and Lawrence Counties.

Some residents remain without power and some companies state it may be late afternoon before power is restored to all effected residents.

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Lauren is a an award-winning journalist who decided after 10 years of newspaper experience to venture out. Hallmark Times was born.