Sometimes I get confused by the conflicting reports about the benefits and the drawbacks of drinking coffee. One of my all-time favorite morning things to do is drinking coffee while sitting on my front porch and witnessing the glory of God’s creation. I cut back on my coffee consumption several months ago as a measure to lower my caffeine intake. Recently I read that drinking coffee is a healthy thing to do. A systematic review of the benefits of drinking coffee discovered that regular coffee consumption cuts in half the chance of developing fatty liver disease and less liver inflammation. Also, the research revealed coffee consumption is associated with lower risk of type 2 diabetes, kidney disease, gout, skin cancer, and Parkinson’s disease. Additional studies found that overall, those drinking three cups of coffee a day has 13 percent lower risk of death from any cause. (Kanbay M, Siriopol D et al.,Effect pf coffee consumption: a systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical studies J Nen Nutr 2021: 31 (1): 5-20)

Cutting back on coffee can have benefits for some people. There are some people who may be allergic to coffee. Those who struggle with anxiety are likely to have increased symptoms of anxiety. Also, those with panic disorders will be more prone to additional panic attacks. In addition, those who have sleep issues need to look at reduction of caffeine and strongly consider not drinking coffee 10 hours prior to bedtime and for some eliminate all caffeine.

The good news is that the researchers found that three cups of decaf coffee had the same benefits as caffeinated coffee. It is not caffeine that has protective factors. Coffee has an abundance of bioactive compounds with polyphenol chlorogenic acid being the most powerful antioxidant in coffee beans. Also, choose a medium light to medium roast because a dark roast has far less polyphenol chlorogenic acid.

Being in nature is healing and restorative. Being with someone you love, or a friend is curative and renewing. Ready for a self-care exercise that can bring healing to mind, body and spirit? Drink a cup of coffee with a friend or loved one in the beauty of creation.

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Paul Bokker Ph.D., LPC/S, NCC, BCC, NBC-HWC, BC-TMH
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