September is a special month in our hearts, as it’s Suicide Awareness Month. It’s a reminder to check in on our loved ones, to be a shoulder to lean on, and to spread the message of hope. Let us use this month to break the stigma, share stories, and let folks know that they are loved, cherished, and never alone in their struggles. In the South, we wrap our arms around those in need, and in September, we wrap our hearts around the cause of suicide prevention. Bless your heart, and let’s make this month a beacon of hope for all
When it comes to warning signs of suicide, we ain’t playin’ no games. Pay close attention if someone’s talkin’ ’bout feelin’ hopeless or like they’re a burden to folks around ’em. If they start givin’ away their prized possessions like it’s a yard sale, that’s a big ol’ red flag. And don’t ignore sudden changes in their behavior or mood, like withdrawin’ from friends and family or indulgin’ in risky stuff. It’s like a neon sign blinkin’ “help me.” So, if you ever spot these signs, don’t you hesitate. Reach out, show some love, and get ’em the help they need. Folks may find themselves facin’ dark days and feelin’ like there’s no way out. But let me tell you, there’s always a ray of sunshine breakin’ through storm clouds.
Have y’all heard about the 988 National Lifeline Text & Call Center? It’s a real game-changer. It’s like a guardian angel on the other end of the line, ready to offer support 24/7. They can connect callers to all manner of specialized professionals for specific populations. All you gotta do is dial 988, and a kind soul will be there to listen, provide guidance, and help you find your way back to the light.
The National Suicide Hotline number is 1-800-273-Talk (8255). If you need Spanish 1-888-628-9454.
If you prefer textin’ over talkin’, the Crisis Text Line is there for you. Just send HOME to 741741, and you’ll be connectin’ with a compassionate soul who’ll listen to your troubles and offer support. They can handle any problem with grace and expertise.
Our beautiful state of Arkansas has its own resources to lend a hand to those in need. No matter where you are in the state, help is never too far away.
The Arkansas Crisis Center is a lovely organization. It’s just like a cozy home away from home. They provide a warm and welcomin’ space for folks strugglin’ with their mental health. They have programs for those that are participatin’ in self harm. They also have services to help with violent trauma including bullying, sexual assault, and domestic violence. Their number is 479-365-2141.
NAMI Arkansas: The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Arkansas chapter is doin’ the Lord’s work by offerin’ education and support for individuals and families affected by mental illness. They help to shape our health policies in addition to providing free information, education, and a whole social network of opportunities. If you are looking for a support group

for mental health this organization can hook you up. Give Scott Rosenthal a call at 501-231-2532 or shoot him an email at [email protected].
Never underestimate the power of our own community. Sometimes, a neighbor’s friendly smile or a heartfelt chat with a friend can make all the difference in the world.
It’s okay to ask for help. You’re not alone in this journey. There’s a bushel of caring folks out there, ready to lift you up when you’re feelin’ down. And if you ever find yourself in a dark place, reach out. Together we can make a new plan to find peace. You’re worth it!

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Crystal Shackelford, APRN
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