The Highland Elks Lodge #2539, located in Cherokee Village was recognized for their major contributions to not only their local community, but to the state as well during the Arkansas State Elks Association Spring Convention held in Little Rock held May 1.

The Highland Elks presented the state association with a check for over $15,000 for the “Piggy Bank Fund” to be combined with other monies to help further overall Elk projects.

“We won the award for the ‘Most Total Money’ donated by a State Lodge for the year 2021 towards this State Elks ‘Major Project’ and also the Award for the ‘Most Donated Per Lodge Capita’ for the same project,” Elks Member Dianna Welte shared in a social media post.

Welte said the Piggy Bank monies are collected from 13 Arkansas State Lodges and goes to the state’s major project which support five Human Development Centers in the state.

“Buying ‘comfort and educational’ items that the Government (State or Federal does not provide) for the mentally and/or physically challenged adults and/or children that reside in these Centers,” Welte explained. “In addition, a small portion of the money collected goes to the Wentz Scholarship Fund in which the Arkansas State Elks give five $2,000 scholarships every year to College/University students who want to continue their college education. These students must be related to an Arkansas Elk Member.”

Welte noted the monies raised and collected by the membership of the Highland Elks raised for the calander year was in memory of Past First Lady, Bonnie Hays. Hays was the wife of Past President Jim Holdren.

“Bonnie was the Piggy Bank Chairman for our Lodge and unfortunately she passed earlier this year before the annual convention was held this past weekend,”Welte said.

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Lauren is a an award-winning journalist who decided after 10 years of newspaper experience to venture out. Hallmark Times was born.