February ain’t just about lovin’ on each other; it’s also National Children’s Dental Health Month, spreadin’ the word ’bout the blessings of good oral health for our kiddos and their caregivers. This month, the Arkansas Department of Health’s Office of Oral Health (ADH OOH) is fixin’ to send out oral health kits to the Arkansas State Library, blessin’ libraries all ‘cross the state. Them Community Health Promotion Specialists and Community Health Nurse Specialists are hitchin’ up their boots to head on over to public schools, offerin’ up oral health education and handin’ out the kits.
“Brushing teeth and flossing daily at a young age can serve children for their whole lives. Healthy teeth allow children to speak clearly, chew healthy foods, and smile with confidence,” said Dr. Rachel Sizemore, Director of the ADH OOH. “Kids are used to learning important lessons in schools and libraries, making oral health education in those settings a natural fit.”
Tooth and mouth pain in childhood ain’t just a little ol’ inconvenience—it can disrupt school days and mess with their learnin’ and smarts. Poor oral health early on can lead to all sorts of troubles down the road, even hardenin’ arteries in adulthood.
Takin’ care of their chompers starts mighty early. Before their baby teeth even start poppin’ through, we can give their gums a gentle wipe with a clean cloth. Once the first teeth start showin’ up, ’round ’bout six months or so, it’s time to introduce ’em to brushin’. A soft-bristled brush and just a smidgen of fluoride toothpaste’ll do the trick. Make it a fun little routine, singin’ songs or tellin’ stories to make ’em look forward to it.
We all agree that good eatin’ goes hand in hand with good health, includin’ our teeth. Loadin’ up on fruits, veggies, and whole grains gives our little ones the vitamins and minerals they need for strong teeth and gums. Keep the sugary snacks to a minimum. Instead, reach for crunchy fruits and veggies—they’re like nature’s toothbrush, keepin’ teeth clean and sparklin’.
It’s temptin’ to reach for that sweet tea or soda, but we gotta watch out for sugary drinks. Stickin’ with water as the main sipper keeps teeth happy and healthy. And if you’re fixin’ a snack, opt for somethin’ like cheese or nuts instead of the sweets. Your little ones’ teeth will surely thank ya!
A visit to the dentist may not be everyone’s favorite, but it’s super important, y’all. Startin’ from the first tooth pokin’ through, schedule a visit within six months. Dentists can catch any little problems early on and keep smiles bright. Plus, it’s a good time to ask any questions or get some tips on keepin’ teeth in tip-top shape.
In addition to brushin’ and flossin’, there’s a few extra steps we can take to keep them teeth safe and sound. Consider dental sealants, like a coat of armor for the back teeth. And if your little one’s out there playin’ sports, don’t forget about mouthguards. Gotta protect them smiles while they’re out there havin’ fun!

Us grown-ups gotta lead by example, showin’ our little ones how to take care of their teeth. Brush and floss together, make it a family affair! Not only does it keep everyone’s teeth shiny, but it also brings us closer together as a family.
So there y’all have it! Children’s Dental Health Month is a time to celebrate their smiles. By startin’ early, eatin’ right, visitin’ the dentist, and setin’ a good example, we can bless our little ones with a lifetime of healthy, happy smiles. And remember, a smile ain’t just about lookin’ good—it’s a sign of good health and happiness too!

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Crystal Shackelford, APRN
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