• Apparently we are experiencing an upward movement in virus cases throughout the state which is somewhat attributed to the new variant. It is advisable to be cautious about your personal well being and practice appropriate health measures. Also, there may be a need for a second booster for those over the age of 65 with certain health conditions. Always consult your primary physician before taking any action.
  • Again, I wish to remind homeowners to verify the licensing and quality of contractors that you want to engage in doing repairs to your home caused by storm damage. Unfortunately, there are individuals who will take advantage of the elderly as well as charge excessive fees for their work. Be prudent and check these persons out by contacting our P&Z office at City Hall. Hopefully, our dealing with Spring storms will shortly end. I’m certain we are all tired of heavy rain and strong winds. We need a drying out period so work can be done not only on needed home repairs but for our roads as well.
  • Hot and dry weather will enable our Street Department to do some necessary pothole work. However, I wish to thank our Fire, Police, and Street Departments for their work during the storms we experienced in Cherokee Village. Their efforts in making roads passable, reporting and monitoring damage, and checking on citizens reflects their commitment to duty and should be acknowledged.
  • With the voters rejecting the Sales Tax proposal, the City will be reassessing its services and costs. Unfortunately, the rising cost of fuel and oil-based materials utilized in road repairs have affected our budget. This will necessitate changes in priorities in doing certain types of road repair as well as considering traffic patterns. Hopefully, we will receive some additional funds through the American Rescue Plan Act later this year which may be designated for use beyond the restrictions of health related activities. If it occurs, this supplemental revenue should be forthcoming sometime after July 1st.
  • A reminder to voters, there will be a run-off election on June 24th which willapply to all voters in the city. To my knowledge, the local races for State Representative and State Senator which represent our area will be subject to run-off on the Republican ballot. Be sure to exercise your vote on that date.

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