It can be very scary when you decide you want to sell your home.  You have invested time, money, and sweat equity into your property.  If you have not ever sold your home, here are some terms that might be thrown out there by agents vieing to get your listing.  I hope this will help you understand the process more.

  1. CMA – Comparative Market Analysis – This is a report that real estate agents prepare by looking at recently sold properties that are comparable to yours.  These reports would change year to year determining on the sales of the previous year. 
  2. Comparable Properties – This is a property that has sold in your areas, has a lot of the same characteristics as your property. 
  3. Curb Appeal – This is the “WOW” factor that a prospective buyer might feel driving up to your home. Simple things can help bring the Curb Appeal more desirable, raking leaves, mowing yard, planting a few flowers and shrubs, power wash house, staging your porch.  Little things that would not cost a lot but would definitely help first impressions.
  4. Declutter – Take a good look at your home, If you have a lot of “stuff”, take the time to determine what you are keeping and what you have just accumulated over time.  The extra accumulation can be sold or donated.  Then the items you want to keep, start to box up and put into garage or rent a storage unit.  Less is best when selling your home.
  5. Seller’s Market – This is the season we are in now. It is when the inventory is low and there are more buyers than sellers.  This is the time when a seller will receive higher than normal price for their property, the time on the market is lower and may receive multiple offers for the property.

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