Thanksgiving, when the scent of roastin’ turkey fills the air, and family gathers ’round like hungry hounds at suppertime. But did ya’ll know there’s more to this feast than just fillin’ your belly? Let me spill the sweet tea on the health benefits of a good ol’ fashioned Thanksgiving.
Who needs a pharmacy when you’ve got a family full of jokers? According to a study in the Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, laughter can wrangle them stress hormones, boost the immune system, and set those endorphins free. So, this Thanksgiving, share a funny tale, spin a yarn, and let the laughter flow like sweet molasses.
Thanksgiving ain’t just about turkey; it’s ’bout your heart. A study in the Journal of Family Psychology says connectin’ with kin can cut down on feelin’ lonesome and stressed, makin’ your heart as happy as a hummin’ bird in a honeysuckle patch. So, pass the cranberry sauce and spill your beans—dreams, fears, and gratitude.
Before you dive into them mashed taters, start a new tradition—the post-feast Turkey Trot. A study in the Journal of Physiology and Behavior swears that a brisk walk or run can help with digestion, burn off them extra calories, and make memories sweeter than Aunt Betty’s pecan pie. Plus, it’s an excuse for a post-turkey wobble that’ll have folks talkin’ for weeks.
Thanksgiving’s ’bout reflectin’ on blessin’s, and studies say expressin’ thanks can help to clear your mind. Research from Psychosomatic Medicine claims that practicin’ gratitude can make ya’ feel like a pig in mud—happy and content. So, take a minute to be thankful for the small stuff, the warmth of kinfolk, and the comfort of a good cookin’.
While it’s temptin’ to pile your plate high as a haystack, try some mindful eatin’ this Thanksgiving. According to a study in Psychological Science, savorin’ each bite can make the whole shebang more enjoyable. Slow down, relish the flavors, and listen to your belly’s signals..
This Thanksgiving, soak in the joy of family, laughter, and gratitude. These simple yet powerful traditions don’t just make a memorable holiday; they make for a healthier, happier you. So, as you raise your glass for a toast, here’s to a Thanksgiving filled with love, laughter, and good health. Cheers!

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Crystal Shackelford, APRN
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