Hardy is gearing up for another fun filled weekend as the Treasures in the Ozarks Crafts Show kicks off Oct. 7 and Oct. 8 at the Hardy Civic Center.

The craft show offers local artisans a platform to showcase their wares and the community the opportunity for one-stop holiday shopping.

“We have approximately 30 vendors. We’ve got wreaths, wooden art, local artists from the school with some of the students and their art. We’ve got fudge and cookies, kettle corn, pork rinds and many other items. There is something for everyone,” said event coordinator Teresa Cereloni.

The weekend long event kicks off at 9 a.m. on Saturday and will remain open until 5 p.m. It will re-open the following morning at 10 a.m. and will close at 3 p.m.

Cereloni said this year’s slogan is “Fall into the Holiday Season” and that although there will be many opportunities to purchase gift items for Christmas, items for all upcoming holidays will be available.

“We’re not going to skip fall, there are some fall items and Thanksgiving is coming up and then into the Christmas season,” Cereloni said. “Admission is free, but we are asking when people come, they bring a non-perishable food item and those items we collect will be given to the Hardy food pantry.”

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Lauren is a an award-winning journalist who decided after 10 years of newspaper experience to venture out. Hallmark Times was born.