PROCLAMATION from the site:

Here Ye, Here Ye, Here ye

Now this second day of February, two thousand and twenty-one, the one hundred and thirty fifth annual trek of the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club…

Punxsutawney Phil, the Seer of Seers, the Prognosticator of all Prognosticators, was awakened from his borrow at 7:25 am by his handler and friend, on this quiet morning where few can attend.

In Groundhogese, Phil directed the President and the Inner Circle to his prediction scroll that reads.

It is a beautiful morning this I can see,
With all my fans viewing virtually.
With my faithful followers being safe and secure,
Our tradition of Groundhog Day must endure.
We all have passed through the darkness of night,
But now see hope of morning’s bright light. 
When I turn to see, there is a perfect shadow cast of me. 
Six more weeks of winter there will be!

The video is from the Groundhog Club and full of fun and facts. It offers a history of the event and glimpses into the characters that make it all an event. Parts of past celebrations are featured beginning at 13:20. The Ceremony begins at 52:28, and the pronouncement and proclamation at 56:44. The video is just over an hour in length.

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