“So, the last shall be first, and the first shall be last.”

                                               Matthew 20:16 (New American Standard Bible)

Over the Thanksgiving holiday, my husband and I took a ride on Branson’s sight-seeing tour train. Due to COVID restrictions, only a few people were allowed at any given time to be on the train together. I made our trip arrangements relatively late, so we ended up being the last two people qualified for the 2 o’clock trip on that day.

Being the last to board the train placed us in the front two seats because, as it turned out, the conductor’s helpers sat people from the rear forward to keep people from having to pass one another as they were seated. So, here we were, the absolute last to gain entry that day, yet given the first seats on the train!

As soon as I sat down, I recalled how Jesus said that is the way the kingdom of heaven works. Jesus told us that the kingdom of heaven does not work like the kingdom of this world does. He taught us that the last would be the first and the first would be last. There is no partiality in the kingdom of God; everyone is on equal ground in heaven.

I smiled to myself as the train reached its destination because, to my surprise, instead of making a full loop, the train stopped, then reversed its way back to the station where it had first begun the journey; now we were last, yet we had been first.

If you are praying for your loved ones to know the Lord and to be counted among those in heaven one day, do not stop because although they may be entering later than some of us, they will still be first in God’s kingdom. I hope this encourages you today to see things a little differently than we usually do. Be encouraged, my friends, as the scriptures remind us, “eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him” 1 Corinthians 2:9

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Pamela Fair

Maya Angelou once said, "You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them." This statement resonates with me. My past experiences have made me a stronger person eager to use my story to inspire and help others see that regardless of who they are or where they have been, there is always hope and to know the ability to rise above circumstances lies within.
Each day, I strive to walk in faith and hope surrounded by my family and friends' love and encouragement. I am blessed to have a life full of experiences, some good, some bad, and my ambition is to use those experiences to enrich those around me. I am a local business owner and church Executive Assistant in Highland, Arkansas. I am a wife, mother, grandmother, and student.
My passion is to help those in need who are ready and willing to do the necessary work it takes to help themselves. Assisting individuals who have experienced trauma, loss, stress, grief, and various life changes are the drive behind attending Southwestern Assemblies of God University to obtain my associate degree in Human Services. I plan to further my education in this field by getting my bachelor's degree in behavioral health. I hope to use my experiences and knowledge to encourage, strengthen, and facilitate assistance to those who are in need.
I am also working alongside my husband in the community as an Automotive Collision Repair Facility owner. It has been a great privilege to assist my husband in pursuing his lifelong dream. We enjoy our work together, and it is an exciting experience for me to learn his field of expertise and engage with so many phenomenal people in our area.
I am a fun-loving individual who thrives on living life and pursuing dreams! I am an avid chess player, a lover of all things feline, and a big fan of essential oils! At the age of 50, I decided to return to school to earn my GED. Since then, I have become a member of Phi Theta Kappa and a Notary Public. I have completed credentials for ministry, became a certified grant writer, trained in hospital chaplaincy, and certified in Christ-Centered leadership. Additionally, I am a member of the North American Christian Social Workers Association (NACSW), where I have been trained in "The Role of Christian Faith and Spirituality in the Grieving Process" and "Suicide Prevention for Christians in Social Work." I am an active member of the Spring River Chamber of Commerce and the Spring River Car Club.
My faith is a huge part of my desire and passion for helping others. I strive to always be, as Christ, a light in this world and in the lives of others. In John 8:12, Jesus says, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life." I endeavor to help others see the light in the darkness.

About Beautiful Feet:

Romans 10:15 (NIV)
And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!"
"For every circumstance and season of life, God has promises that offer direction, peace, perspective and wisdom. "Bible Promises for You" is a collection of promises taken from the New International Version of the Bible and is categorized by topic for easy reference."
God led Jimmy and Pam Fair, in 2015, to partner with Highland Assembly of God, to GIVE Bible Promise Books, Devotionals, and Bibles to anyone who needs direction, peace, perspective, and wisdom.
Contact Highland Assembly or Pam Fair for more information.