The Chosen is a series which brings the life of Jesus…to life. Turmultous times. It is available on The Chosen App and beginning April 10 and running through Easter week, it will available on YouTube and The Chosen Facebook page absolutely free.

It is not told from the view of any one religion but from the writings in the Bible. It is a chance for a person to get to see and understand and develop a personal relationship with Jesus. Its always easier to learn from a “living history”. Here it is.

From The Chosen: “This Sunday, we’re counting down to Easter with a global livestream of #TheChosen episodes, and of course, you’re invited. Join us each night at 8:30p.m. ET [7:30 p.m. Central Time] on Facebook, YouTube, Twitch, or The Chosen app. We challenge you to invite a friend too by tagging them below. Three reasons to join us:1. We want to make this as easy as possible to watch for everyone this coming week.2. You’ll get a livestream-only discount on everything in the store, including a new livestream-only specialty item.3. Chat live with us (and maybe some cast and crew) and thousands of others as you watch your favorite scenes.”

Christians believe that Jesus Christ came to forgive sin and create a pathway to being saved. The Chosen makes that easy to understand as it tells the story through people recreating what the times were like and what Jesus was about.

Its a chance for those who have only heard from others what that is all about to decide for themselves. Learn for yourself. Watch with someone you love. Make up your own mind. What do you have to lose?