The Sharp County Quorum Court met July 10 for their regular monthly session, with all justices present.

Following the reports from Treasurer Wanda Girtman, Clerk Alisa Black, Assessor Kathy Nix, Collector Michelle Daggett and Sheriff Shane Russell, the court addressed unfinished business.

The court opted out of the potential rental or purchase of the Ozbirn House which was proposed by Hazelle Whited at the previous meeting as a potential location and base of operations for the Solar Eclipse projects and other work space for county related items

The decision came after Sharp County Judge Mark Counts and Joey Whited visited the site for inspection and deemed the facility in need of too much repair to serve the county in a proper capacity.

Jail overtime appropriations were made in the amount of $13,320 which included social secuirt and taxes.

The court voted to accept a bid for propane at $1.599 from Izard County Propane.

The court then read Resolution 2023-5, regarding a grant for grange calamine for purchase of a fire truck and foam skid which was approved.

An E-Recording Grant Resolution was tabled to discuss until the August meeting following the recommendation of Black as the resolution required some addtions prior to adoption.

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Lauren is a an award-winning journalist who decided after 10 years of newspaper experience to venture out. Hallmark Times was born.