If those dormant, leafless shrub and tree branches have you anxious to head out into the garden, we recommend keeping those clippers holstered.So when should you prune? In general, plants that bloom in the spring should be pruned immediately following blooming but no later than mid-June, and plants that bloom in the summer should be pruned before growth begins in late February. More details below Spring blooming plants starting with camellias and ending with mock orange—which includes azaleas, forsythia, flowering quince and many more, set their flower buds at the end of summer into early fall. We want to give our plants a chance to recover and bounce back after pruning.
Shrubs and trees which bloom in the summer with a few exceptions (big leaf hydrangeas, oakleaf hydrangeas, and gardenias), bloom on the current season growth, so they should be pruned at the end of February through mid-March.Learn more about pruning
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