On November 1, 2024, a heartfelt Quilt of Valor Ceremony took place at Ozarka College’s Melbourne campus. Organized by members of the Izard County 4-H Clubs, the event was held to honor veterans who have served our country. Sixteen veterans, nominated by the community and contacted for their participation, were presented with hand-sewn quilts made by the dedicated members of the Izard County 4-H Sewing Club. Three of the gentlemenwere not able to attend the event and picked up their quilts at a later date. This project, fostering community service and civic engagement, is a testament to the mission of 4-H in nurturing responsible, compassionate citizens. The gentleman picking up quilts included Donald Walker, Greg Tate, and Darrell Webb.
The journey to create these quilts spanned several months, with 4-H Sewing Club members assembling kits containing patriotic-colored fabric and instructions. This project, supported by the Izard County Extension Homemakers Council, saw invaluable guidance from Mrs. Vivian Mitchell and Augusta Moore. This project, fostering community service and civic engagement, is a testament to the mission of 4-H in nurturing responsible, compassionate citizens.
Izard County 4-H wants to thank our current men and woman in military service and the veterans who have served their county.
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