Did you know that polypharmacy affects more folks than you’d think? According to the CDC, almost 40% of adults aged 65 and older are takin’ five or more medications. It’s a fact, y’all, that our elders often require more medicines. And keeping track of ’em, well, that’s like herding cats. And of those with multiple meds, between 40 and 75% ain’t taking their medicines correctly. A 2022 study in Pharmecoepidemiology, found nation wide one out of 7 emergency room visits are attributed to preventable medication errors with our more seasoned residents It’s up to family members and caregivers to ensure those pills are taken at the right time, and in the right dose.
Taking more than 5 daily medications is what we call polypharmacy. There ain’t no harm in takin’ medicine when you need it, but when you got too many in that basket, things can get a mite complicated. As we grow older our metabolism ain’t as speedy as it once was, and it can take longer for medications to do their magic.Having multiple medications is an increasingly common problem, but one that folks tend to overlook. Every prescription ought to have a clear purpose, with benefits outweighing risks and costs.
The simplest way to keep those medicines straight is to jot down the name and dosage of every single drug, including over-the-counter ones and herbal supplements. Half the folks taking prescription medicine are also dabbling in over-the-counter therapies or dietary supplements which can surely increase the pill burden.
Just as we need good fences to make good neighbors, we need to ensure that every prescribing provider knows about all the medicines that you are taking, including over the counter meds and dietary supplements.This prevents potential deadly drug interactions that could lead to more trips to the ER and we all know how expensive and what a heavierl burden on our already over loaded healthcare system that would be.
It can be a blessing. It allows us to address several health concerns simultaneously, tailoring treatment plans for a healthier life, but polypharmacy comes with some mighty risks.Of course, it can be a challenge of managin’ a jam-packed medication schedule. Mixin’ too many medications can make your head spin. You might end up with side effects, drug interactions, or even an overdose. It’s not just your physical health at risk. It can mess with your mental clarity faster than gossip spreads at a church picnic. You might forget which pill goes with which condition, and that’s a recipe for trouble.
There are common sense tricks to help you navigate this tricky path. First and foremost, open up those lines of communication with your healthcare provider. They’re your partners in this journey, and they can help you understand which meds you truly need.Next, keep an updated list of all your medications.This way, you won’t mix up your heart pills with your allergy meds.
Educate yourself ’bout your conditions and medications, and don’t be afraid to speak up. It’s your health we’re talkin’ ’bout, and you have every right to know what’s goin’ into your body. If

somethin’ don’t feel right, trust your gut.Turn to experts consult your healthcare provider or pharmacist to guide you through the medication maze, offering insight on interactions and alternatives. They can help you adjust your regimen or even retire some medications if they’re no longer needed. You’re in charge of your own health.

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Lauren is a an award-winning journalist who decided after 10 years of newspaper experience to venture out. Hallmark Times was born.