Monday’s Bus Routes
We will be in school (on campus) on Monday, February 22, 2021. Buses will run mainly paved roads only, with the following instructions:
* Greg Workman’s bus will not run Campground Rd or Johnsonview East. He will pick up students at Oxford Baptist Church from 7:05-7:10 and then down Highway 9.
* Marty McKnight’s bus will run all paved roads that are safe to travel on his route at his discretion.
* Willie Moser will run all paved roads that are safe to travel at his discretion and will also pick up students at the Diamond B Mall from 7:10-7:15.
* Tim Crouch’s bus will run Wideman Rd from Oxford to Highway 56 and then to the high school campus.
* David Jones’ bus will be at Franklin Store from 7:00-7:20 to pick up students.
* Tony Booth’s bus will run regular route.
* Coach T’s bus will not go to J Bar J, but will run the rest of his regular route.
* Coach Massey and Liz Williams’ buses will not run their regular route.
* The afternoon routes will be the same as the morning routes. Drop-off times will be 3:20 at the Oxford Baptist Church, 3:35 at the mall, and 3:25 at the Franklin Store.
Further discussion on this information can be found at: