Congratulations to ICC Beta members Tess Savell, Katelynn Johnson, Daniel Haley, Paislee Hightower, Abbie Gilbert and Lilly Sanders for competing at the 2022 Beta National Convention in Nashville!

Sanders won 8th place in Poetry Division II (upper high school) and Savell took 4th in the 12th grade Agriscience competition. Thanks to Danielle Treat, Beta Advisor, for helping prepare them for this wonderful educational experience!

Pictured are (L to R): Lilly Sanders, who won 8th place in Poetry Division II (upper high school); Danielle Treat, ICC Beta Advisor; and Tess Savell who took 4th in the 12th grade Agriscience competition.
The Cave City Pharmacy congratulates the Battles Family for being selected 2022 Sharp County Farm Family of the Year.