Entries are now open for the Fulton County Fair Pageants and the Youth Talent Contest.  All entries with the entry fee must be in by July 1st. The pageants and the youth talent contest will be held  at the Salem Civic Center located on the Fulton County Fairgrounds.

The Fulton County Fair Queen (age 18 – 23) and Junior Fair Queen Pageants (age 14-17) will be on Saturday, July 24th.  Pageants for ages 5 – 13, Petite Miss (age 5-7), Junior Miss (age 8-10), and Young Miss (age 11-13) will be held on Monday, July 24th. The date for Baby Girl (age 4 months – 12 months), Baby Boy (age 4 – 12 months), Tiny Tot Girl (age 13 – 24 months), Tiny Tot Boy (age 13 – 36 months), and Little Miss (age 2  years – 4 years)  will be held on Tuesday, July 25th.  

Entry forms and a complete set of rules are available online at www.fultoncountyfair.org. Follow the drop-down menu under the Fulton County Fair tab. All pageant entry forms must be typed or printed in black ink. The entry forms can be completed online Save the pdf file with a different file name and print it or email it to [email protected] if the entry fee is paid online with a credit or debit card. the entry fee can be emailed  to the fair office at [email protected].

If paying with a check, money order or cash, mail the form to Fulton County Fair Pageants, Post Office Box 910, Salem AR 72576 or leave with a member of Zeta Omicron Chapter of Beta Sigma: at NAEC, Fulton County Assessor’s Office,  SABCO Insurance, Whatever or at the Fulton County Fair Office.  Forms can also be left at the Bank of Salem location in Mammoth Spring.

A Photogenic Contest will also be held in conjunction with the pageants and a digital photo can be submitted to save the cost of printing. It is not necessary to enter the pageant to enter the photogenic contest but pageant directors encourage contestants to enter both the pageant and photogenic contest.

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