In the fast paced world of today, it can be difficult to find a moment of peace and at times, a peaceful place.
The Cherokee Village United Methodist Church (CVUMC) has renovated a space specifically for those seeking a quiet place to gather their thoughts and spend some time with God.
“This was actually created years ago as a lasting memory to Betty Stokes parents [Bob and Marjorie Nicely] and has been there for a long time,” CVUMC member Doug Driesel said.
The small indoor garden space which features a fountin, candle, soft lighting, quiet music and live plants makes for a unique indoor experience.
“You know how you can walk by something so much you don’t see it anymore, that is what had happened with this. We’ve been working on the chruch recently and one day Kurt Holloway and I were taking a look at the space, really looking at it and we saw potential,” Driesel said.
The small garden was already equipped with a candle that had not been lit in quite some time, a fountain and some foliage, but now the space has been rejuvinated.
“We started digging and added some LED lighting, music, and with some tender love and care, we have something really beautiful, especially at night,” Driesel said. “If anyone wants to come by the chruch and see it, we welcome them. They can call me at 281-813-1853 and we will arrange for them to come in, especially at night it is beautiful at night. CVUMC is open to anyone at any time for prayer or to our services at 8:30 a.m. or 10:45 a.m., we welcome all people.”

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Lauren is a an award-winning journalist who decided after 10 years of newspaper experience to venture out. Hallmark Times was born.