Every year, emergencies touch the lives of folks all across North Eastern Arkansas. In honor of May bein’ stroke awareness month let’s dive right in and explore what strokes are, what causes ’em, the signs to watch out for, and, most importantly, what help’s available right here in our neck of the woods.
A stroke, some folks call it a “brain attack,” happens when blood flow to a part of the brain gets interrupted or slowed down, depriving that precious brain tissue of oxygen and nutrients. This can lead to brain cells kickin’ the bucket in just a matter of minutes. Strokes come in two main flavors: there’s the ischemic kind, caused by a blockage in a blood vessel to the brain, and then there’s the hemorrhagic sort, which happens when a blood vessel in the brain decides to burst open.
Recognizing the signs and symptoms of a stroke is important for getting help fast. You might notice sudden numbness or weakness in the face, arm, or leg, especially on one side of the body, along with some confusion, trouble speaking or understanding speech, vision trouble in one or both eyes, dizziness, trouble keepin’ your balance, or a whopping headache with no good reason.
A little trick to help you remember what to look for – think F.A.S.T.:
F: Face drooping. Ask the person to grin. Does one side of their face droop down?
A: Arm weakness. Get ’em to raise both arms. Does one arm start to drift down?
S: Speech trouble. Have ’em repeat a simple phrase. Is their speech all slurred or sounding strange?
T: Time to dial 911. If you see any of these signs, it’s high time to call for help.
Now, let’s talk about what we’ve got right here in North Eastern Arkansas to help with strokes:
Hospitals and Medical Centers: We’ve got some top-notch hospitals and medical centers ready to jump into action when a stroke hits. They’ve got all the fancy diagnostic gear and treatments, from emergency room care to neurology services and rehab programs.
Community Education and Outreach Programs: Our healthcare heroes are always out and about, spreading the word about stroke prevention, spotting the signs, and getting folks the help they need. They put on free screenings, teach-ins, and hand out helpful info like candy at a county fair.
Support Groups: Dealing with life after a stroke can be a real tough row to hoe, but luckily, we’ve got groups like the Stroke Support Group of Jonesboro to lend a hand. They’re all about folks

helping each other out, sharing what they know, and giving folks a shoulder to lean on. There are other groups ’round here too, all geared toward helping stroke survivors and their kin.
Stroke Rehabilitation Services: After a stroke, getting back on your feet often means getting some help from rehab services. In North Eastern Arkansas, we’ve got all sorts of therapy – physical, occupational, speech, you name it – to help folks get back to doin’ what they love.
Remember, when it comes to strokes, time’s of the essence. Actin’ quick can mean the difference between life and death.
For more info about strokes and what we’ve got here in North Eastern Arkansas to help, reach out to your local healthcare folks, hospitals, or community groups that know a thing or two about strokes.

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Crystal Shackelford, APRN