Let’s talk about somethin’ that doesn’t get a lot of attention but sure ought to, especially here in Arkansas – osteoporosis. You may not hear folks talkin’ about it much, but it’s a condition that affects a heap of people, especially women as we get a little older. Osteoporosis is when your bones get weak and brittle, and that can lead to easy breakin’, which ain’t somethin’ you want.
With so many of us in Arkansas gettin’ older, it’s important to know what this condition is and how we can keep our bones strong. Lucky for us, there are ways to prevent osteoporosis and some good resources here in the Natural State to help manage it if you do get it.
So, here’s the deal – osteoporosis happens when your body starts losin’ bone faster than it can make new bone. Your bones get thin and weak, kinda like wood that’s gone soft. There’s a few things that can put you at risk, like:
● Age: The older we get, the more likely we are to get it.
● Being a Woman: It’s more common in women, especially after menopause.
● Family History: If your momma or daddy had osteoporosis, you might, too.
● Poor Diet: Not gettin’ enough calcium or vitamin D weakens your bones.
● Not Movin’ Enough: If you’re sittin’ around too much and not exercisin’, that can hurt your
● Other Health Issues: If you’ve got diabetes, thyroid problems, or digestive issues, your
bones might suffer.
The tricky thing about osteoporosis is that it don’t usually show itself until you have a problem, like breakin’ a bone. But there are some things you can look for:
● Shrinkin’ – If you’re gettin’ shorter as you age, it might be a sign.
● Hunched Back – Your posture might start to get all stooped.
● Back Pain – If your spine is weak, you might have pain in your back.
● Fragile Bones – If you’re breakin’ bones easier than you should, that’s a big red flag.
You don’t have to just wait around and hope for the best. There’s a lot you can do to keep your bones tough:
● Take Your Calcium and Vitamin D: You need at least 1,000 to 1,200 mg of calcium a day. And don’t forget vitamin D! Get outside and soak up a little sunshine, or take a supplement if needed.
● Stay Active: Get movin’, y’all! Walk, lift some light weights, or do somethin’ that makes your bones work hard.
● Quit Smoking and Cut Back on Alcohol: These both weaken your bones, so it’s best to give ’em up.
● Get Bone Density Tests: If you’re a woman over 65 or a man over 70, go on and ask your doc about a bone density test to see how your bones are holdin’ up.

If you find out you have osteoporosis, it ain’t the end of the world. There’s treatment options to help keep things under control:
● Medications: Your doctor might give you medicine to help strengthen your bones.
● Eat Right: Keep packin’ in that calcium and vitamin D.
● Exercise Programs: Workin’ with a physical therapist or followin’ a special exercise plan
can keep your body strong and help prevent falls.
You don’t have to go through this alone, Arkansas has some great places to help you out:
Arkansas Osteoporosis Center
These folks specialize in all things osteoporosis. They can help you get tested and figure out a plan to keep your bones in shape.
Address: 9501 Baptist Health Dr., Little Rock, AR 72205
Phone: (501) 227-7850
Arkansas Department of Health – Chronic Disease Programs
The health department has all kinds of tips and programs to keep your bones healthy, like advice on diet and exercise.
Website: healthy.arkansas.gov
UAMS – Bone Health Clinic
UAMS is a great spot if you’re lookin’ for experts in bone health. They’ve got doctors that can help you treat osteoporosis and even give you advice on preventin’ falls.
Address: 4301 W. Markham St., Little Rock, AR 72205
Phone: (501) 686-7027
Senior Health Insurance Information Program (SHIIP)
SHIIP can help you figure out what insurance options are available for osteoporosis treatments and medications
Phone: (800) 282-9134.
Website: insurance.arkansas.gov
If you’d like to talk to other folks goin’ through the same thing, the Bone Health & Osteoproris Foundateion is a great place to start. You’ll meet other people and share tips on how to manage osteoporosis. Bone Buddies meet Every Saturday at 10:00 and a healthy eating discussion takes place every third Thursday at 2:00 Centeral Time via Zoom. website:https://www.bonehealthandosteoporosis.org/patients/patient-support/bhof-support-grou ps/

Osteoporosis might be sneaky, but with a little care, you can keep it from slowin’ you down. Remember to eat right, stay active, and get checked out if you’re at risk. And don’t forget, Arkansas has plenty of places to help you stay strong!

Crystal Shackelford, APRN
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