Ozarka College has selected Ms. Donna York as recipient of the 2021 Outstanding Staff of the Year award. She will be recognized at the Arkansas Community Colleges (ACC) virtual awards and recognition ceremony in October.

Donna York is a credit to Ozarka College and represents the best of the institution. York joined Ozarka in 2008 and since that time has served as the administrative assistant for the Mountain View campus.  Prior to working at Ozarka, Donna worked in other office management roles and brought with her a wealth of front office experience.

Importantly, York has served as the face of the Mountain View office and provided much needed frontline support to Ozarka students.  Often going the extra mile in all aspects of her role, Donna exemplifies excellence in all she does for Ozarka College.

Dr. Richard Dawe, Ozarka president commented, “Donna is one of those vital team members that I can’t imagine achieving the things we do at Mountain View, without her support. She is a great asset to the Ozarka team and is such a good resource for our students.”

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