By Tom Doty
Psalm 73:25-26            (Living Bible)
25 Whom have I in heaven but you? And I desire no one on earth as much as you! 26 My health fails; my spirits droop, yet God remains! He is the strength of my heart; he is mine forever!

Have you noticed how complicated life can get?  Have you experienced the pressure of wondering why things are happening as they do?  Have you cried out to God and expressed your feelings?  There is an old song that has this line, “Where could I go but to the Lord”.  And as the Psalmist said, “Whom have I in Heaven but you”.  The complications of life often bring about fear, anxiety and depression.  All of these are real problems that each of us face.  Even as “Born Again
” “Saved” children of God we can and do become fearful, anxious, and depressed. So, what do I do when life knocks me down?

We must realize that in life there will be times when we experience fear, anxiety and depression.  Even the great leaders of the Bible experienced these times.  However, we do not need to take up residence in the difficult times.  We are on a journey in life.  We move as the Children of Israel did on their way to the Promised Land.  They experienced up and downs.  There were times when they complained to God.  There were times when they praised God.  But, they continued to move forward.  Our fears, anxiety and depression often cause us to make bad decisions and choices.  We don’t take time to think things through.  We often jump to conclusions that bring difficult results.  And then we wonder if things will ever change.

When we face the reality of this difficult world then we must decide in whom we will trust.  Who do we really have but God!  Where can we go but to God!  The world will offer many other answers to our difficulties but only God can bring us through and give us victory.  God remains the constant that we need in life.  God does not change (Malachi 3:6).  Our world changes daily.  What’s good today is bad tomorrow.  God is our anchor in this raging sea of life.  He remains constant and is the strength that we need.  Who else is there but God?  Who else can lift us up in our times of despair and depression?  Be honest!  There are times when life gets us down.  Job, a man God blessed experienced fear and depression.  David, a man after God’s heart, experienced fear and depression.  But both men knew that there only hope and assurance was in God.  And they cried out to God!  When we face the harsh reality of life we must learn to cry out to God.  We must be willing to tell God how we feel.  Look at what the Psalmist said in verse 2, “But as for me, I came so close to the edge of the cliff! My feet were slipping and I was almost gone”.  And then in verse 26 he says that God is his strength forever. Even when we are almost gone, God is there and He is ready to meet our need.  So, we can also say, “Whom have I in Heaven but you”. 

What difficulty are you experiencing today?  Are you going to let it get you down or are you going to trust God, get up, and do something?   The decision is yours.  But be assured of this; God is waiting on you to call upon Him. He has the answer and He remains.  He will be your strength.  Praise God that we are over-comers. 

I have prayed for you this morning.  I pray that you seek God and be assured that He
hears your cries and knows your pain and He is ready to help you.

Bro. Tom

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