This Day in Arkansas Weather History…the Little Rock Hail Storm of April 1, 1955…On this day in 1955, thunderstorms moved across the state. A strong thunderstorm dumped ¼- to ½-inch hail at Little Rock. The hailstones accumulated to 1 inch deep. This was the first time hail accumulated at Little Rock to a depth greater than a trace since June 14, 1932, and has been the only recorded time since. Clouds of dust were noted at Fort Smith and Clarksville, and later that night at Little Rock.

Remarks from the surface observations at Little Rock Adams Field sum up the active nature of the day:

3:05 p.m. – Hailstones to ¼ inch

3:28 p.m. – Rain showers and hail began 305 ended 315

4:07 p.m. – Pressure rising rapidly, hailstones ½ inch reported 1 NW of town, thunderstorm overhead moving east

4:15 p.m. – Hailstones to ¼ inch, occasionally ½ inch

4:28 p.m. – Thunderstorm east, moving east, rain showers began 3:35 [p.m.]

5:00 p.m. – Thunderstorm northeast, moving east

11:00 p.m. – Dust aloft


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