One organization new to Sharp County is working to improve the lives of children in the foster system and to recruit more foster homes to help keep children In familiar territory.
According to Ashley Beller, The CALL Coordinator for Sharp County, the faith-based non-profit organization has been working on a state level since 2007 and recently expanded in to Sharp County.
“The CALL is a faith-based non-profit organization. Our purpose is to mobilize Christians from multiple denominations and churches in local communities to meet the needs of children in foster care. Our vision is to recruit, train, and support families until there is No Child Waiting in the Arkansas foster care system,” Beller said. “While the work of The CALL is new to Sharp County, we have been working on the state level since 2007 when The CALL was founded by a group of individuals looking for a way to provide hope for children in foster care. We have now expanded to all 75 counties in Arkansas and are brand new here in Sharp County where I came on as County Coordinator in April 2024 to lead in this effort.”
The lack of foster homes across the state is an ongoing issue, but Beller said the numbers can be shocking at times.
“The numbers here in our county are staggering. As of today, we have 23 children and youth in care and only four standard foster homes to care for those children. This means that the majority of our Sharp County children in care must be placed out of county, away from their schools, churches, friends, and everything familiar,” Beller said. “Our goal is that by opening more local homes to care for these children, whenever and wherever a child comes into foster care, that child will find a welcoming foster home in his or her own community.”
The CALL works closely with existing agencies to help families interested in opening their homes to area children navigate the pathways to do so.
“ The CALL partners with DHS. The CALL recruits and trains families who are interested in fostering or adopting children in care.  We work hand in hand with DHS to shepherd families through the state certification process,” Beller said. “Once homes are licensed, DHS makes placements, then The CALL offers continuing support services such as trauma-informed education, immediate placement needs and support groups to those foster families.”
Beller said currently, recruitment efforts are underway and the organization is partnering with area churches to provide for the tangible needs of children and families impacted by foster care.
When asked what the organization needs, Beller explained one primary need, is centralized location where families can meet, training can occur and more.
“There are 34 affiliates of The CALL throughout the state that offer Support Centers to better serve their communities. The CALL in Sharp County is currently on the lookout for a space that will allow us to expand the services we can provide. Our future Support Center, as I envision it, will provide the following for our children and families: a CALL Mall providing clothing and other necessities for our foster families and children in care; a home-like visitation area for our biological families and their children in care and support groups accompanied by trauma-informed education,” Beller said.
Beller said community involvement is paramount to the success of the mission of The CALL and time, talent, volunteers and monetary donations are needed to help facilitate success.
“If you are in a season of life when fostering is possible, consider opening your home and making a lasting impact on the life of a child in our community. The CALL in Sharp County is working to recruit volunteers to take on this important work,” Beller said. “The CALL in Sharp County Facebook page has links to donate to this mission. Though The CALL is a statewide organization, funds donated in Sharp County stay in Sharp County and directly impact children in care here in our community. For those who prefer a more tangible donation, our page also has a link to our Amazon Wishlist where needed items purchased online ship directly to The CALL in Sharp County.”
Beller said volunteers of The CALL are always seeking opportunities to get plugged in and speak to organizations about their mission.
You can lean more about The CALL by visiting The CALL in Sharp County on Facebook or
“Additionally, if your church is not already connected with The CALL, reach out to find out more about how we can partner with your church to further this mission,” Beller said.
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Lauren is a an award-winning journalist who decided after 10 years of newspaper experience to venture out. Hallmark Times was born.