Exercise in the water and stay healthy and flexible without hurting your joints. Get stronger using the natural resistance of the water without the necessity of exercise machines. Get together with friends or make new friends in the Cherokee Village Swim Club. Have fellow exercisers to motivate you and help you stay on track and active. This ground has not allowed COVID or closed pools to stop them., and they are currently in the process of expanding the club. The water is fine and you are welcome to join.
The Cherokee Village Swim for Health Club has a membership drive underway. If you would like to join an active group that swims 5 days a week, this may be the place for you. Please print out the form and mail it to Leila Weeks whose address is on the form with your membership fee. Dues are only $10 per year. Some of the different pools have small fees for their use.
The Omaha pool is unavailable at this time, and so the group is meeting in Horseshoe bend for the remainder of this week. They will meet at Thunderbird beginning June 1.
On 6/4/2021, a carpooling trip is planned to the Batesville Aquatic Center to have fun in exercise class in their pool. Members will meet at Choctaw Center June 4 at 8 a.m. Join the club to participate!
This is an active group bent on supporting each other to better the health and flexibility of members. Don’t miss out! Use the green Print/PDF button on this article to print out the application, complete it and send with check to: CV Swim Club, Leila Weeks, 12 Nameoki Drive, Cherokee Village 72529. If you have questions, The Cherokee Village Swim Club can also be reached on Facebook here.