The Arkansas Disaster Relief Program (ADRP) has opened for donations from the public.
There are two ways to donate for those who would like to give a monetary contribution to those affected by natural disasters.
Donations can be made on the Arkansas Disaster Relief website or by way of check with a mail-in donation.
Those making a mail-in donation should mark donations to the DFA with the memo reading “donation for disaster relief”.
The funds will then be placed in to the ADRP fund to be used by the Arkansas Division of Emergency Management.
To donate a specifically declared community, write a note on the check or with the check stating which community you would like to donate to.
The Disaster Relief Program will notify the Arkansas Department of Emergency Management of the community in which the funds need to be processed.
Checks may be mailed to Arkansas Disaster Relief Fund, P.O. Box 2485, Little Rock, Arkansas, 72203.
Through the Arkansas Disaster Relief Program, the Department of Emergency Management disburses funding to declared communities in need as a result of a declared disaster. Funding is determined by the amount of damage and severity of disaster that the community has received.
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Lauren is a an award-winning journalist who decided after 10 years of newspaper experience to venture out. Hallmark Times was born.