The Sharp County Fair Board has postponed the Drawdown Steak Dinner event that was slated for April 7 and announced a new event slated for April 12.
According to Fair Board Member Andrea Vogt, the decision comes in the wake of so much loss to the community following the March 14 tornadoes.
“..Right now, with so many of our community members that our hurting, they’ve lost everything and even people on our own fundraising committee who have suffered major losses, we felt like right now is not the right time to hold that event. Out of consideration for our community and the efforts needed to cleanup, we would postpone that event until the fall and move in a different direction,” Vogt said.
Although the Drawdown has been postponed, Vogt said there is a community event approaching for the community to enjoy, and vendors are needed.
“Right now, it’s time to look and see what our community needs. We felt like, with so much devastation and hurt, we would just have a day of fun. A day where people can shed off the dark and just come out and have a good time,” Vogt said. “ We’re going to host it Saturday April 12, we will start the morning at 8 a.m. with a character breakfast with the Easter Bunny. It is a breakfast buffet by donation so people can come in and pay what they can and just enjoy it from 8 a.m. until 11 a.m.,” Vogt said.
Vendors will be set up from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the commercial building, there will be a car show and an Easter Egg Hunt for children ages 0 to 12 beginning at 12 noon.
“While that (breakfast) is going on we’ll a have vendor event. Fill up the commercial building with vendors and try to get some people out so that even if they’ve been affected by the weather, give them an opportunity to keep their businesses going and growing their at home businesses,” Vogt said. “We never forget about our men and women who love cars we’ll have a car show that day and we’ve ordered 1500 eggs to be hunted at the fairgrounds that day for ages 0 to 12.”
Those interested in becoming a vendor may contact Andrea at 870-847-6577 or Vanessa 870-373-0443.
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Lauren is a an award-winning journalist who decided after 10 years of newspaper experience to venture out. Hallmark Times was born.