This past weekend tragedy struck our small community here in NE Arkansas. A friend and his family received word that one of his children had died. They are hurting and feeling lost. In addition to this news, another friend received word that her son and his wife lost their baby. Mom was six months along in her pregnancy when pre-eclampsia developed, and the baby could not be saved. They have a young son also that is experiencing the pain of this news.

As we all know God told us there would be problems in this world. But God, left us with this wonderful promise, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7 ESV)

We have no idea when we wake up what will take place in our lives during the day. As long as we get up on time, arrive at work safe and on time, the bills are paid, there is food in the house we tend to feel at peace. This type of peace is worldly peace which is very different from what the apostle Paul is speaking of in the verse above. God’s Peace will transcend our ability to understand it. We can’t understand how God can love someone like us, while we are still sinners. How can He offer us Salvation as a free gift? God’s wisdom is beyond all understanding. But the Peace of God during a tragedy in our life is something we just can’t comprehend.

Our life has suddenly been turned upside down. The death of a spouse or child. Our house burning down. I think of the recent tornado outbreak in Oklahoma and how many lives were left with nothing but the clothes on their backs.

A true believer in Jesus, places their full confidence in Jesus. They trust Him no matter the circumstances they are faced with, whether it is a death or other tragedy. They know and understand that God has got this, and they will lean on Him and ask for His Peace that He promised along with thanksgiving. God then gives them this calmness in their hearts about what has happened and even though they may question Him, God’s plan for their life is His perfect plan and they will roll with it.

One cancer patient may say, “ I am in remission and I am so thankful to God.” Another cancer patient who is in hospice in their final days may say, “ I am calm and at Peace with God. I am ready to run to Him when I see him. Don’t cry, I am ready to go to my eternal home. God has given me His Peace about my soul.”

That Peace right there, is the Peace of God that Paul is referring to. I can’t really describe it very well, but when Jason, our son died, we were a mess. But God, gave us His Peace shortly after and my heart calmed down and my emotions got better over time. The key is placing your full confidence in Jesus. He is in control and He has ot This!

Jim Everett

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James Everett