Reproductive health ain’t just about keepin’ the ol’ body in check; it’s ’bout takin’ care of every aspect of y’alls well-bein’, includin’ the physical, mental, and social sides. Here in North East Arkansas, makin’ sure folks have access to all the necessary services for their reproductive health is a mighty important job. That means education, contraception, testin’ for STIs, and plannin’ for family.
Reckon, reproductive health is more than just steerin’ clear of diseases or problems; it’s ’bout havin’ the right to make informed choices ’bout your sexual and reproductive life. That includes knowin’ what’s what, gettin’ educated, and havin’ access to a whole mess of services aimed at keepin’ your sexual health in tip-top shape and tacklin’ any issues y’all might have.
Here in North East Arkansas, we got all sorts of folks and organizations to help with reproductive health. They offer a whole slew of services, like educational programs and sit-downs or groups, chattin’ ’bout contraception, how to keep STIs away, plannin’ for a family, and makin’ sure them relationships stay healthy. All aimed at givin’ folks the know-how and smarts to make good choices ’bout their reproductive health.
Havin’ access to contraception is important for keepin’ young’uns at bay and gettin’ your family plans in order. Our healthcare providers here in North East Arkansas can talk y’all through your options, whether it’s pills, patches, shots, implants, or intrauterine devices (IUDs).
STIs can be a nuisance and a danger to public health. But don’t you fret none, ’cause we got healthcare spots that offer testin’, diagnosis, and treatments for STIs, along with some advice on how to steer clear of ’em in the first place.
When it comes to plannin’ for family, we got services to help folks and couples figure out how many kiddos they want and when. That might mean sittin’ down for a talk ’bout gettin’ ready for young’uns, seein’ if everything’s in workin’ order for havin’ em, takin’ tests to see if there’s already a young’un on the way, or gettin’ the right care durin’ pregnancy.
Now, let’s talk ’bout Sharp County. It’s got its fair share of healthcare providers helpin’ folks with their reproductive health. Over at the Sharp County Health Unit (870) 994-7364, run by the Arkansas Department of Health, they offer up a whole bunch of reproductive health services, like plannin’ for family, talkin’ ’bout contraception, testin’ for STIs, and learnin’ ’bout sexual health.
Sharp County’s got a handful of clinics that’ll help you out with reproductive health needs, from check-ups to gynecological exams, sortin’ out contraception, and testin’ and treatin’ STIs.
Then there’s non-profit’s and community groups right here. They often team up with healthcare providers to spread the word ’bout reproductive health through teachin’, outreach, and makin’

sure folks got the resources they need. One such outfit is New Beginnings Pregnancy Center. You can ring ’em up at 870-944-5433 or visit their site at
We got services here in North East Arkansas, but there’s hurdles to jump, too. Things like where you live, the way folks look at things, and not havin’ enough to go ’round can make it tough for some folks to get what they need. It’s important we keep spreadin’ the word, breakin’ down stigmas, and makin’ sure everyone can get the help they need. ‘Cause when folks are takin’ care of their reproductive health, we’re all better off for it.

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Crystal Shackelford, APRN
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