Cherokee Village’s community beautification and environmental conservation support group, Village Pride, works to ensure that recycling services are available every Wednesday from 8 a.m. – 11 a.m. at the Town Center parking lot in downtown Cherokee Village.
Please bring in clean materials. Accepted are:
- Aluminum,
- Plastic #1 & #2,
- Paper and Newspapers, but no cereal boxes etc.
- Corrugated Cardboard
Thanks to volunteers, the recycling bins run every Wednesday throughout the whole year. Recycling is very important for the environment, reduces waste in the landfills, and ensures resources are able to be reused and remade. Recycling is essential.
Show up, bring your recyclables and wear your mask. Thank you.
#CherokeeVillage #VillagePride #Volunteering #RecycleForEarth #Recycle #Recycling #ReduceReUseÂ
Find more information on Village Pride here