Melissa Rogers, a long-standing employee of the City of Mammoth Spring, has initiated legal action against David Campbell and Dawn Campbell for defamation. This lawsuit was filed to address the impact of a public message displayed on the defendants’ property.
According to the complaint, on June 18, 2024, a defamatory message concerning Mrs. Rogers was displayed on a sign owned by the Campbells. The message has reportedly caused significant distress and disruption to Mrs. Rogers and her family. Mrs. Rogers, her husband, and their three children have faced numerous texts and phone calls, significantly impacting their personal lives.
The lawsuit seeks damages for the alleged defamation and requests an injunction to prevent further defamatory statements. Mrs. Rogers’ attorneys, John T. McGinnes and Jody Shackelford of The Iron Rock Law Firm, emphasize that this action is taken by Mrs. Rogers in her individual capacity to protect her personal and professional reputation.
In a related development, the Police Chief has also filed an injunction and defamation suit against the Campbells in his individual capacity. This action is in response to defamatory statements displayed on the Campbells’ sign that allegedly go beyond free speech and constitute defamation.
Mrs. Rogers has expressed her concerns for her family’s well-being and safety. The defamatory message has caused her to consider taking unpaid leave or requesting a work-from-home arrangement due to the emotional and mental strain. The disruption has not only affected her personal life but also her professional duties at City Hall, where she has been unable to perform her job effectively due to the constant influx of people demanding explanations for the sign.
In response to the injunction filings, the Campbells have posted a new sign stating, “4/1 & 6/10 City Hall is now in court. Counter claim will now reveal the truth! 4/1 & 6/10 videos!” The City of Mammoth Spring Mayor’s Office has clarified that no city funds have been used for the lawsuits and that the city is not a party to either the lawsuits or the injunctions.

These cases highlight the importance of addressing the impacts of public statements on individuals’ lives and reputations.
For more information, please contact John T. McGinnes at (870) 399-1440 or [email protected].


Prior to the press release, this news agency covered the story, click the link to read the initial article:

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