One Sharp County business is offering a $500 reward after a horrifying scene was discovered on their property near Evening Shade April 28.
According to John Kunkel, owner of Peaceful River Farms, following a series of strong storms which had moved throug the area, he learned some deer had been struck by lightning at a neighbors and decided he should check his livestock to ensure their welfare.
While on his way to check his cattle, a distrubing scen was uncovrerd when Kunkel, who also raises goats, found one that had been decapitated.
“In a heinous and vile act of cruelty, someone trespassed onto our farm on Sunday afternoon between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. and brutally decapitated one of our goats. This wasn’t an animal attack; the blood was deliberately drained, and the head removed with chilling precision,” Kunkel said. “Authorities, including the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission and the Sharp County Sheriff’s Office, have confirmed this was the work of a human, not a predator.”
Kunkel said the attack was not only robbed of potential income, but he and his neighbors have been robbed of their sense of security.
“This isn’t just an attack on our livestock; it’s an assault on our community’s sense of safety and decency. We’re a tight-knit community where word spreads fast, and we will not let this vile act go unanswered,” Kunkel said. “If you know something, say something. Please contact the Sharp County Central Dispatch at 870-994-2211 if you have any information that could lead to the arrest of those responsible. Let’s stand together and bring this criminal to justice. We refuse to be intimidated by such cowardly acts.”

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Lauren is a an award-winning journalist who decided after 10 years of newspaper experience to venture out. Hallmark Times was born.