Arkansas could well be on the cusp of a lithium bonanza!!!!!!!! The USGS (United States Geological Survey) in 2024 showed enormous deposits of lithium, “white gold” or as USGS calls it “hidden treasure” in southern Arkansas.
Doug Hanson, Geologist, will present “Lithium Resources in Arkansas” to the Spring River Gem & Mineral Club April 4, 10AM at Thunderbird Center, 62 N. Lakeshore Rd in Cherokee Village.
Hanson is Geology Supervisor at the Arkansas Geological Survey (AGS) out of Little Rock. He has worked for the agency for 19 years. He will give us his insights in lithium occurrences and resource potential in Arkansas.
Presently Hanson is mapping Tertiary units in southern Arkansas.
The lithium deposit was found in the Smackover Formation over an ancient sea in southern Arkansas. The Smackover formation flows through porous limestone, extending from below Arkansas and under parts of Louisiana, Texas, Alabama, Mississippi and Florida. The high salinity saltwater, deep underground, the brine, contains the lithium.
“Lithium Resources in Arkansas” is offered as one of the SRGMC “Only in Arkansas” series, leading us to learn more about this beautiful state we live in.
The May 2 SRGMC meeting will also feature an “Only in Arkansas” program. Dr. Rodney Harris, Ozark Academic Historian, will present “Notorious Arkansas Swindler, Dr. John KIzer” This is a TRUE story of treacherous greed.
This meeting is open to the public. The SRGMC meets on the first Friday of the each month with programs consistently given by experts in their fields. The SRGMC has dues because it has expenses. Dues are $15 for a single person and $25 for a couple or family living at the same address. Members can participate at a monthly silent auction for mineral/fossil specimens, occasional field trips and use of the club library. For further info text/ call 870.847.3109.