COVID numbers are on the rise again in our rural county. Again, the Office of Emergency Services and the Izard County Extension Office are partnering to offer free masks and updated information to the public regarding COVID.

Office of Emergency Services Director Gary Dickerson continues to monitor the COVID situation in our county. Mr. Dickerson is currently working with the Izard County Extension Office to provide researched based and educational information regarding COVID. Both offices have again joined forces to provide free masks to the public if you need cloth masks.

At this time, the COVID situation has not reached pandemic level; however, if that situation changes, Mr. Dickerson will immediately advise the public. OES Director, Mr. Dickerson, and Family and Consumer Science Agent, Elizabeth Daigle, are currently providing cloth masks to the public again, free of charge. The masks can be picked up at the OES office in the Izard County Courthouse or at the Izard County Extension Office.

By following basic guidelines of continued hand washing, mask wearing in public, maintaining social distancing, and taking the vaccination both offices hope to see the numbers in our area decrease. Referring to the CDC website may be the fastest and updated location to find all current information. If you need any COVID educational information you may pick up that information with your mask from either office.

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