A large crowd consisting of many familiar family names and friends with genuine historic interest gathered to hear of the news that there has been a breakthrough in the effort to save the Flat Rock Methodist Church thanks to the efforts of Pauletta DeLoach and Lynda Jeffery during a recent meeting.
Through their efforts, they now have the legal description of the property required in order for the Methodist Church to file a Quit Claim on the deed. All that is needed now is the formation of a new Cemetery Association so the property can be signed over to that new organization.

Once that is accomplished, efforts can begin to raise funding and apply for grants in order to preserve this important Izard County landmark.
There were many questions and suggestions as to how to proceed. Having persons present who had been involved in the work on the Wideman Church and Schoolhouse, it was evident that a great deal of information was already at hand. Exploring Izard County, assisted with raising funds and awareness in the past to help restore the Wideman Schoolhouse, however; Melissa Jones and the Friends of Wideman Cemetery Association is credited for the schoolhouse restoration.

If you have expressed interest in being part of this organization, please visit Exploring Izard County on Facebook.