Mark 12:28-31 (Living Bible)
28 One of the teachers of religion who was standing there listening to the discussion realized that Jesus had answered well. So he asked, “Of all the commandments, which is the most important?” 29 Jesus replied, “The one that says, ‘Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God is the one and only God.30 And you must love him with all your heart and soul and mind and strength.’ 31 “The second is: ‘You must love others as much as yourself.’ No other commandments are greater than these.”
When was the last time you had your heart examined? I’m not talking about a doctor’s visit but about a checkup of your heart by the Holy Spirit of God. When we visit the doctor most always he or she will listen to our heart. It’s important to know that our heart is in proper working order. Does it sound right? Is there a skip or slow beat? Inquiring minds want to know! So, we have the checkup. We also need to know that our spiritual heart is in proper working order. The Holy Spirit of God is the “doctor” who checks our spiritual heart. Does our heart have a deep love for God? Is our heart working to encourage other believers? Do we really have a love for people who have no relationship with Jesus? Our spiritual heart requires being checked on a regular basis.
How often do we say that we love God and then fail to do what He says do? Didn’t Jesus say, “If ye love me, keep my commandments” (John 14:15). It’s easy to say that we love God and Jesus. But do we love Him with our all our heart and soul and mind and strength? If we really do love God completely then we will do what He asks. If we really love God we will give God the best that we have. God will not get the left overs. When we seek God first then things will fall into place. We cannot sing about “How I love Jesus” on Sunday and then forget about Him on Monday. Loving God is a 24/7 event. We learn to love God completely. We love Him with our whole heart. If you say your love God are you faithful in attending and supporting your local church. If you say you love God are you willing to give of your tithe and then even a gift of sacrifice? It’s one thing to talk about loving God and it’s another to love God with all our heart. Is the Holy Spirit of God doing a heart check on you today?
Do we have a love for our fellow Christians? How often do we see a brother or sister in Christ struggling with temptation or a problem and fail to love them? Do we use the excuse, “It’s none of my business”? We need to learn to love by encouraging each other. We all get down in life at times. We all face problems and temptations. It’s good to know that a fellow believe is willing to share the load with us. We are told to “encourage one another with these words” (1 Thessalonians 4:18). If we love God than we will love our brother and sister in Christ and we will encourage them. We are to “bear one another’s burdens” (Galatians 6:2). As a follower of Christ we are to love one another. We are not perfect. We all have some flaws in life. But as God has loved us we are to love one another. After all, you do love yourself, so you can love others. Is the Holy Spirt of God doing a heart check on you today?
God is looking at your heart for a love for those who are lost without Jesus. Yes, we must have a heart for those who have never accepted Jesus as personal Savior. It’s one thing to talk about loving the lost and another thing to tell them about Jesus. We must have a desire to see people saved. Our heart must want to share Jesus with those dying in sin. If we love God we must love the lost as Jesus did. We must want them to hear about the saving grace of God. We must want them to know there is a better life in Jesus. When God examines our heart He does look to see if we have a heart beat for the lost. Are we telling the lost that Jesus saves? Is the Holy Spirit of God doing a heart check on you today?
I have prayed for you this morning. I pray that our heart check with the Holy Spirit of God goes well and we are found in good spiritual health.
Bro. Tom