An Izard County man who showed up to a Trunk or Treat event intoxicated found himself behind bars after allegedly yelling at a child before getting into a fight with other adults around.

According to an affidavit for warrant of arrest, on Oct. 29, authorities were called to a trunk or treat around 7 p.m. on Fairview Street in Melbourne for a report of a fight in progress. 

When they arrived, they found several individuals on the ground behind a vehicle. Two males were holding another male on the ground and several others talking to the man behing held.

Officers noted 21-year-old Brock Handyside, was yelling profanities at another subject and while trying to deescelate the situation, one officer noted the smell of intoxicants coming from Handyside.

When the Sgt. Smith informed Handyside he was under arrest, Handyside began to resist and would not comply with commands.

Smith was finally able to secure Handyside’s handcuffs and attempted to place him in the vehicle, however Handyside became uncooperative and rather than be seated, was laid across the back seat of the patrol cruiser before attempting to stand.

Smith was finally able to seat Handyside who then began kicking the driver’s side rear door of the patrol unit.

Smith was attempting to close the door when Handyside kicked Smith’s body cam off and placed his feet against the frame of the door. Smith was able to finally secure the door and Handyside began to kick the door and window.

Smith returned to speak to the victims and Deputy Caeden Wolfe who was gathering witness statements. The victims, two adult males stated Handyside had arrived at the event and began yelling at one of the children.

When the first victim approached Handyside and requested, he stop, Handyside became belligerent and punched the victim in the face.

A second victim came to assist the first victim in restraining Handyside. In the process, Handyside began biting the first victim and the second victim sustained minor injuries that appeared to be scratches inflicted by Handyside.

The two victims were able to restrain Handyside until law enforcement arrived.

While taking the witness statements, Smith was notified by Arkansas State Trooper Blake Johnson that Handyside was still kicking the door of the vehicle and the door had begun to bow out. 

Smith went to the vehicle and informed dispatch of the damage. Handyside was transported to the Izard County Detention Center.

An estimate was obtained regarding the damage to the vehicle which amounted to $2,064.17.

Handyside was charged with criminal mischief in the first degree, a class D felony; two counts of battery in the third degree, resisting arrest and public intoxication. His bond was set at $10,000.

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Lauren is a an award-winning journalist who decided after 10 years of newspaper experience to venture out. Hallmark Times was born.