An inmate in the Arkansas Department of Corrections (ADC) at Calico Rock has racked up multiple charges after a series of assaults on law enforcement officers.
According to a series of reports, filed March 4 in Izard County Circuit Court, incidents involving 20-year-old Nicholas Smith and law enforcement occurred on Sept. 21, 2024; Oct. 10, 2024 and Nov. 10, 2024.
At the time of each incident, Smith intentionally assaulted the officer who had made contact with him with a mixture of bodily fluids.
The first incident, Smith assaulted the officer with a mixture of urine, feces and semen; the second spitting on an officer and the third offense the assault occurred once again with a mixture of urine and feces.
Smith has a lengthy criminal history and a lengthy history of causing disruptions at the ADC.
As a result, Smith faces three counts of aggravated assault on a corrections or law enforcement officer, class D felony.
If found guilty on all three counts, Smith could more than double his initial sentence for failure to comply with sex offender registry reporting requirements and filing false paperwork.
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Lauren is a an award-winning journalist who decided after 10 years of newspaper experience to venture out. Hallmark Times was born.