“Come down to Calabama on Monday and enjoy a hot meal with coffee on us” – Heroes & Horses Transcend Facebook page.

The event will be at the Calabama Restaurant locate at the junction of HWY 289 and HWY 56 in Franklin, Ark. on March 29 from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.

National Vietnam War Veterans Day is officially recognized as March 29 of each year by the Vietnam War Veterans Recognition Act of 2017 which was signed by President Trump on March 28, 2017. 

The move to set the day aside was cemented in December of 2016 when the Vietnam Veterans Day Coalition of States Council presented a letter to President-elect Donald Trump and the 115th Congressional Leadership describing the historical importance of March 29th and asking them to make it a priority.  On March 29, 1973, the Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV) was decommissioned and the last U.S. combat forces troops (other than those lost, missing, or unaccounted for) were withdrawn from the Republic of Vietnam.

In 2012, President Obama had proclaimed March 29 Vietnam Veterans Day, but there was no follow through to create the official Vietnam War Veterans Day at that time.

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