CITY OF HARDY ANNOUNCES 2025: Keep Hardy Beautiful City-wide Spring Cleanup
- Coordinator Name(s): Mayor Ethan J. Barnes
- Hosting Business/Organization Name(s): City of Hardy
- Phone Number: (870) 856-3811
All residents wanting curbside removal of household items MUST PHONE AND SCHEDULE curbside pickup by calling Hardy City Hall at 870-856-3811, by Friday, April 25 at 4:00 p.m. Your items may not be collected if you do not schedule pick-up ahead of time and notify Hardy City Hall. Items may not be collected if you are not current on your trash service bill.
On your normal Hardy Trash Service Pickup Day, you may place the following eligible items on the curbside for removal:
- Stove and microwave appliances
- Sinks and tubs
- Old above ground pools
- Lawn furniture, swings
- Large children’s toys
- Artificial Christmas Trees
- Eligible bulky waste (sofas, chairs, mattresses, couches, entertainment centers, and box springs)
- Other items that make sense for a normal spring pickup. If in doubt, call City Hall and ASK!
The following items are NOT eligible:
- NO items that used Freon (even if Freon was removed)
- NO tires of any kind
- NO paint, (unless can lids are taken off and the paint is completely dried out of the can)
- NO stains, varnish, thinner, automotive oil, oil filters, or automotive fluids
- NO medical waste or syringes
- NO explosives, fireworks, gasoline, propane cylinders, or fluorescent lights
- NO construction debris
- NO ashes or coals
- NO leaves, branches, grass clippings, or trees
- NO dead animals
- NO commercial debris
- NO shingles, flooring tiles, wood, carpeting, etc.
- NO drywall or scrap metal
- NO air conditioners
- NO TVs
- NO washer or dryer machines
- NO refrigerators
- NO ELECTRONIC waste (contact Tri-County Recycling Center (870-994-3020)
ALL items MUST be bagged for pickup (excessively large items excluded). Please respect the employees who are serving our community. Items are NOT to be put out to the curbside any earlier than April 25, 2025. Thank you for helping Keep Hardy Beautiful!
The City of Hardy will host a city-wide yard sale on March 29, 2025. If you would like to be added to a master list of yard sales in the City, please phone Hardy City Hall to be placed on a map that will show where your yard sale is located. This map may be requested by calling or visiting Hardy City Hall.
-Ethan J. Barnes
Mayor of Hardy, Arkansas