“Give me a heads up”

Last week as I was driving back from Memphis I got a call from Don, a friend of mine. He said, “Have you heard what happened this morning?” I replied, “No, what happened?” Don said, “Jim, I don’t want to tell you this over the phone, but our friend, Mike passed away last night.” I could not believe what I just heard. Don said, “Jim, Sammie (his wife) said Mike had fallen asleep in bed in the evening. In the morning, she saw he was still asleep. She touched him to wake him up, but he was very cold. Jim, I just can’t believe this, Mike is gone. Mike passed away sometime around midnight.”

I had no warning for that call. I got no “heads up” that Mike might have been sick. I had talked to him not long ago and he was feeling great! Both Don and I were not ready for this to happen. Thankfully Mike was a born-again Christian man who loved God and served God. His eternity has just begun.

When someone is given a “heads up” it is just a simple way of giving them a little warning or some information that something is about to happen or possibly could happen. It gives us some time to prepare for that “something” to happen. All of us like to be given a “heads up.” We want that warning if a tornado has been spotted near us. In Florida, people get that “heads up” usually a week in advance that a hurricane is coming. Nobody likes to be blindsided in any way whatsoever.

Every week people are given a “heads up” during our Sunday morning church services. God uses this time to speak to our hearts about what is coming or could happen. At the close of most church services worldwide, we are allowed to prepare our souls for what is coming someday. An invitation from Jesus is given to us as an opportunity to repent of our sins and choose that moment to accept Christ as our Savior and begin a new life with Him in charge. In His Word, God gives us a “heads up” throughout scripture, especially in the book of Revelation.

There is one area of our life here on earth that we do not get a “heads up.” Our last day here, our last breath, the last thing we see, the last words we speak, is not something we are told in advance. This is an email example you will NEVER get as a “heads up” from God.

”Good morning my child,

“Today is your final day on earth. At 2:23 pm this afternoon you will take your last breath. I understand this news is unexpected and upsetting. It is upsetting for me too. As you know, I have used My Holy Spirit to call upon your heart to follow Me many times throughout your life lime—thirty-four different times, to be exact. I knocked at your heart’s door only to be postponed again or rejected. I wanted to offer you one final invitation this morning, at the age of 48, to accept my gift of salvation and eternal life with Me. This offer expires at 2:23 pm today. As always, it is still your free will to reject My offer.

“I love you with an everlasting love. I needed to try one more time, to make one more attempt, because you are my child, my creation, and the thought of losing you for eternity is not something that I take lightly. This is your final “heads up.” Please, come and follow me now, before it is too late.


Your Heavenly Father, Jesus”

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James Everett
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