God knows one of the greatest test of our faith is our willingness to share with others. I am not speaking of just sharing the story of Jesus with others but our time, talents, blessings, and even monetary gifts. Each of us has been given special gifts to be Jesus to others. We are given opportunities to share those gifts with people throughout our lives.

I have spoken of “chirps” in the past. I learned about chirps from my former pastor Vance Eubanks, in a sermon one Sunday morning. When nestlings are in the nest their mother made, they become hungry and begin to chirp loudly. Mom fly’s away returning with food and water. She meets their need. As humans, we chirp at times also. It is so important to listen closely to the chirp of another human. Let me share with you a couple of examples.

Marge had lost her husband several years prior to my seeing her in the hallway at church. As she approached me, she had a look of distress on her face. I asked her how she was doing, and she shared with me she was very discouraged about her yard. You see Warren always spent hours upon hours keeping their five acres looking like a national park. She told me that she loved sitting on the front porch and enjoyed the beauty of the green grass freshly mowed and the flowers blooming. Marge shared with me she never sits on her porch anymore as her place looks so bad now. She really missed the beauty of the land they had. That is the “chirp” we must listen for.

Michelle and I love to mow and do landscaping. I shared with my wife the need Marge had shared with me. We asked Marge if we could help that summer and she accepted. We loved how God used us to restore the beauty of her place to where she could sit on the porch once again. The joy in her eyes was more than enough for us.

Dorothy was a very short senior saint in the church. She was always one of the best-dressed ladies at church. I asked her where she got all these beautiful dresses one Sunday and she replied, “Every time I would go to town to buy groceries my husband would tell me to pick out a new dress too, so I did!” Dorothy often shared with me about her life with her husband before he died. She missed going dancing and she was lonely at times. That is the chirp we must listen for.

When Dorothy would arrive at church, I would greet her and often dance with her in the foyer of the church for just a minute or so. Her face would light up. I would take her to lunch from time to time and make her feel very special. Dorothy loved the attention I gave her. A few months before she passed, I brought Dorothy her favorite Subway Sandwich. I got the footlong so she could have some leftovers for supper. ( funny though, she ate the whole footlong at lunch) I will always remember my last prayer with her. I always prayed with her that God would let her live to see her 100th birthday. That day she told me to stop praying that prayer! Dorothy told me she was tired and wanted to go home to Jesus. He called her home before her next birthday. I miss Dorothy and hope I get to dance with her in heaven.

Please, listen for the chirp that people will share with you. You will hear it if you listen closely. Find a way to meet that need. If you do not have the talent, ask God to help you find someone who can meet the needs of that individual. Be Jesus’ hands and feet every chance you get. You have a gift from God, so use it to bless others.

Jim Everett

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James Everett
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