The back-to-school season is just around the corner, and it’s bringing with it a whole lot of excitement, anticipation, and maybe just a smidge of those back-to-school jitters. Whether you’re a student bracing for new adventures or a parent prepping for the year ahead, there’s one thing that can’t be overlooked: preparation. This year, let’s make sure we’re not just stockin’ up on school supplies but also givin’ a little extra love to our health and well-bein’. Here’s how y’all can kick off the school year in tip-top shape.
1. Revamp Your Routines: Sleep is Your Secret Weapon
Summer nights might’ve meant staying up late, but it’s high time to get that sleep schedule back on track. Aim for about 8 to 10 hours of good-quality sleep each night. Start shiftin’ bedtimes and wake-up times gradually in the weeks leadin’ up to school to make things easier. A well-rested mind is sharp and ready to take on the new school year with a smile.
Pro Tip: Set up a soothin’ bedtime routine, like readin’ a beloved book or doin’ some deep breathin’ exercises, to let your body know it’s time to wind down.
2. Fuel Up Right: Balanced Meals for Bright Minds
Healthy bodies make for healthy minds, so let’s get the school year started with some balanced meals. Think colorful plates filled with fruits, veggies, lean proteins, and whole grains. Breakfast is especially important—whole-grain cereals, yogurt, or a smoothie packed with nutrients are great choices.
Pro Tip: Let the kids help out with meal plannin’ and cookin’. It’s a fun way to teach them about good nutrition and get them excited about makin’ healthy choices!
3. Stay Hydrated: Drink Up for Better Focus
Keepin’ hydrated is key for staying alert and energized throughout the school day. Make sure everyone’s drinkin’ enough water—aim for 6 to 8 cups a day. A reusable water bottle can be your best friend here, remindin’ everyone to sip throughout the day.
Pro Tip: Add a splash of flavor to plain water with slices of fruit like lemon, berries, or cucumber. It makes drinkin’ water more enjoyable and a bit fancy!
4. Gear Up with Good Hygiene Habits
As we head back to the classroom, good hygiene is more important than ever to keep those pesky germs at bay. Remind the kids to wash their hands often, especially before meals and after usin’ the restroom. Hand sanitizer and tissues in their backpacks can be a handy backup.
Pro Tip: Make hand washin’ fun with a catchy song or a little routine. If it’s entertainin’, kids are more likely to stick with it!

5. Stay Active: Exercise for Energized Days
Regular physical activity is essential not just for physical health, but for mental well-bein’ too. Encourage some form of exercise each day—whether it’s a brisk mornin’ walk, a dance party in the livin’ room, or sports practice after school. Keepin’ active helps with mood, focus, and stress.
Pro Tip: Pick family-friendly activities like biking or hikin’ that everyone can enjoy together. It’s a great way to stay fit and bond as a family.
6. Organize and De-Stress: A Calm Mind Equals a Productive Mind
The start of school can be a whirlwind, so gettin’ organized can help keep stress levels down. Set up a family calendar for school events, extracurriculars, and important deadlines. Create a quiet, tidy space for homework to help keep everyone focused and efficient.
Pro Tip: Incorporate a bit of mindfulness or relaxation into daily routines, such as short meditation sessions or deep-breathin’ exercises, to keep everyone feelin’ centered and calm.
7. Set Goals and Positive Intentions:
As the school year kicks off, it’s a great time to set some positive goals. Encourage students to think about what they want to achieve academically and personally, and remind them that challenges are just chances to grow. Celebrate the little wins and focus on progress, not perfection.
Pro Tip: Create a vision board or a goals chart to keep track of milestones and keep everyone motivated throughout the year.
By focusin’ on health and well-bein’, you’re setting the stage for a successful and fulfillin’ school year. Here’s to a great year ahead, full of learnin’, growth, and lots of smiles!
What’s your best tip for startin’ the school year? Share it with us!

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Crystal Shackelford, APRN
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